Ready For Summer In 12 Weeks

A 12 week challenge to get your body ready for summer!

The Ready For Summer In 12 Weeks Challenge has officially closed. But you can still join in on the fun at your own pace with the "Ready For Summer In 12 Weeks" Ebook.

Here's What We Know About You

  • You indulged over the holidays but you're ready to get back on track for the summer!
  • You need help implementing healthy nutrition habits.
  • You're ready and motivated to lose the weight, you just need support.
  • You realized that cute bathing suit doesn't fit quite the same anymore and you're ready to change that!
  • You're close to hitting your goal, but you've plateaued the past few months and need a kickstart to get back on track.

If any of those are you, our ‘Ready For Summer In 12 Weeks' challenge is for you!

We have put together a full 12 week challenge loaded with recipes, motivational quotes, progress trackers, fitness routines, and of course weekly healthy habit challenges to get you on the right path to reach your weight loss goals.

The Challenge

Each week you will have a new healthy habits challenge to prepare for the summer. As the weeks progress your challenges will build on top of each other gradually. By gradually implementing these challenges, they are more likely to be sustained as a lifestyle change.

If you made it this far…

You're serious about making a change before the summer starts.


If you take the challenge seriously and put in the work, you WILL see results!



Hey Guys, I want this! What's the investment?

Only $57 for 12 full weeks of healthy habits!